Starter Relay Fix Kit

May 24, 2012
by mike


If your Breva 750, 1100, 1200 Sport , Norge 1100, 1200, or Griso sometimes makes a click from under the seat  and won’t start, you need our Starter Relay fix kit.  It is plug and play, no cutting or splicing of wires required. It solves a design deficiency and is easy to install, 5 minutes for the average owner and it works !  To order:- please contact

Pricing 16th July, 2024 – increased due to higher International mailing costs.

USA Buyers  – $ 43.00 – shipping included

Canadian Buyers – $ 60.00 (USD) – shipping included

International Buyers:-  Australia / NZ / Japan / UK and EUROPE $ 63.00 (USD) – shipping included



We have a wiring kit that will resolve the issue for these bikes

For enquiries and to order:-  contact






45 Replies to “Starter Relay Fix Kit”

  1. Hi I have a 2v 1200 sport 2009 non abs model would this be a fit for mine and do you post overseas I’m in Scotland obviously for a cost, seems like a fantastic easy modification, just stared having these probs


  2. Hi. Will this kit work on the 1200 Sport 8V (has the TWO starter relays), and does it avoid high current going through the ignition switch when starting? I’m in the UK. Thanks.

  3. This fix changed everything for me. I installed it on my 2004 Breva 750 after the mechanic kept saying ‘replace the battery’. After at least 4 batteries I finally found this fix and now my bike starts even after 2 weeks of not riding. Before I would wonder if it would start after I got gas.

    AMAZING. Thank you!

  4. Does this require any cutting or splicing the wire harness?
    No , it is simple un plug and reconnect the relay, add one lead to your battery.

  5. When will the starter relay repair fix kit be available again?
    For the Guzxi Stelvio 1200 ntx year model 2013.

  6. Hi
    I have a 2009 Norge and interested in buying a harness for the starting system, let me know if you have any available.

    Thank you!


  7. Hi, Is this still available. I have a 1998 EV11 California. Will this work on my bike? If so, How do I proceed in ordering one? Thanks for your help1


  8. Hello,
    I have a 2003 Moto Guzzi California 1100 with some starting issues. Sometimes she fires right up, other times there is just a click down by the fuses. Will this kit work for the California?
    Thank you for your time.

  9. Hi, I am in New Zealand and have a 2010 Griso SE. Please advise total cost of unit and shipping or am I better to get the unit out of Australia? Thanks

  10. Installed this “Starter relay fix kit” on my 2007 Norge in late January 2019. The bike had 39,000 miles on it but I had only owned it two months.

    On four different occasions, refueling after a long, hot run only produced a “click” from the starter button. Panic. Luckly, after waiting 15-20 minutes, it always started and did not leave me stranded. Still, not a good feeling, wndering about the “next” time.

    Subsequent analysis showed the stock Guzzi starting circuit could not activate the Starter Solenoid if the battery was “down” to 12.7 volts, yet still would start the bike vigorously when battery was fully charged to 13.0 volts. Seems it should at least try to turn over the engine even at only 11 volts.

    So far this kit has allowed the bike to start reliably even when the battery is less than 100% charged. That’s real peace of mind!

    Installation took about an hour and only needed one wire (included) connected to battery + terminal. The rest of the kit was a 6″ integrated Plug&Play cable that fit between the small starter relay and an existing connector under the seat. Easy, clean No cutting or splicing required.

  11. Hello I’m interested in the starter relay fix for Guzzi Breva 1100 – 2007. Could you tell me how much it will cost, product and postage to UK combined

    Regards Martin

  12. Hi Mike,
    do you have any of the kits available for a 2007 Norge? If you have what is the current cost? I am in the UK.

  13. I purchased this kit sometime ago and only now want to install it but in the packet no instructions were provided. Electrically challenged people as my self are left wanting

  14. Hi. Have Breva 1100 -09, and started to have this summer same kind of problems with starting like above (never before after four years owning). I’d like to order your kit. I live in Finland. Do you deliver here and what would it cost?

    regards Hannu

  15. Hi Mike,
    Seems the 2007 Norge is a common problem here. I too have one gathering dust in the garage! Are there any kits still available!?

  16. Mike,

    I would like to get one of your starter relay kits form my 2006 model 1100 Breva.
    How can I order one? I am in the UK.

  17. Hi, my name is Peter Baker and I live in Australia and own a 2006 Moto Guzzi Griso. Do you supply a starter relay fix kit for this model?

  18. The new Starter Kit in the Griso 850 built in, 1500km ist all the best, now ist permanente killed the 15A Fuse, Griso Not Started! What ist the Problem??

  19. Please make me a relay kit for my Moto Guzzi Stelvio 8V (2012).
    Whilst I have located the starter relay, I don’t know which wires are the correct ones to cut and connect a direct live supply from the battery positive terminal. I am not an auto electrician.
    Please help. I am willing to pay for a plug and play solution to this annoying problem.
    Many thanks.

  20. Do you happen to have a 2008 Norge starter switch for the right side? Or a model year that is the same?



  21. Good morning,

    Will this kit resolve issues for a V10 Centauro (1998)? If so how do I order for delivery to UK.

    Many thanks,

  22. hello, i’m just starting to have a problem with my 2014 V1200 8V sport. i would like to know who i need to order this wiring repair kit to sort my startus interruptus issues out

  23. Hello. I would like to buy a relay kit for the 2013 Griso1200SE. I am from Japan, but is it possible to buy one? Thank you in advance.

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